Graphene is a monolayer material composed of carbon atoms arranged in a two-dimensional hexagonal honeycomb lattice structure. Electronic properties of graphene are defined by the interaction of delocalized π electrons which form the electronic bands extended over the whole sheet. The unique structure and interactions of these delocalized electrons of graphene made this material a holy grail of solid state physics attracting ever growing interest from the community.
In our recent study, we developed a theoretical approach permitting fully quantum simulations of the laser-driven electron dynamics in the reciprocal and real spaces of graphene (see Figure below). We implemented our methodology in the open-source software package LIDEG (Laser-Induced Dynamics of Electrons in Graphene) that is now available on the github platform.
The results of our simulations are important for understanding fundamental principles underlying electron correlation and dynamics in matter. Our developed approaches together with advanced experimental techniques provide access to long-awaited real-space imaging of electron motion in matter on its natural time scales.